When Diane and Todd brought me home, I was surprised to learn they already had a rescuer: a cat named Taco.
Taco is "O Cat" spelled backwards. Also, Taco's full name is Tacocat, which is a palindrome. Actually, Diane and Todd didn't name her Taco for either of those reasons. They just thought it was a cute name for a feisty cat. They only realized the poetic potential of her name later.
Anyway, after I rescued Diane and Todd, Taco and I became sisters. Or at least that's what Diane says. She's always saying, "Amelia, don't antagonize your sister," or "Taco, leave your sister alone." We aren't real sisters, obviously, but we're more like step sisters.
I like Taco a lot, especially when I get to chase her through the living room. I just want to play, and I think Taco would be an ideal playmate--she's very fast and very smart--but Taco never wants to play with me. She just gets mad and hisses and swipes at me with her many-toed paws. Taco is a polydactyl cat.
Taco is pretty old, like maybe 12 or 13--Diane and Todd aren't sure since Taco was a stray cat before she rescued them, so that's probably why she doesn't want to play. Taco also does not enjoy the rolling crates. Whenever she goes in the rolling crates with us, she makes a lot of hysterical noise and bangs her head on the small crate Todd and Diane put her in for trips outside the house.
Taco can't go on our epic road trip with us, but Diane and Todd found someone to come take care of her and stay here at our house with her until we get back. We'll miss her, but it's not her kind of adventure, anyway. We'll send her postcards. She likes to sit on the piles of mail on the dining room table, so I think she'll like that.
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