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Showing posts with label walmart camping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walmart camping. Show all posts

Travelogue -- The Todyssey Begins!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

I'm writing this on July 5. This is the first chance I've had since we left to do any blogging. Diane and I may have underestimated the challenges of blogging from the road. The biggest challenge so far has been this:

We drove over, 2000 miles between when we left on June 30 and when we stopped for the night last night, July 4. That means in five days, we covered 2000 miles! 400 miles a day! In a Big Rolling Crate whose top speed is 60MPH, but only under ideal road and wind conditions. Mostly we travel at 55 MPH, and when we're going up big hills, even slower. We've been pounding out the miles so hard that there hasn't been any time for writing.

The second biggest challenge has been the lack of cell phone reception or wifi. Although I'm writing this on July 5, I can't say for certain when I'll be able to post it. In fact, Diane says we're just going to go ahead and write a bunch now and then post them all at once next time we have good reception.

Also, Diane wants to tell Mammam Dot not to worry when we don't post on Facebook or call for a few days in a row. It's just because we're off the grid enjoying the quiet life.

Now, to tell you about our travels:

On June 30, the Todyssey officially began! We left our house around 4:00, made a quick stop at our favorite Worcester swimming hole because Todd and Diane got pretty darn hot loading everything into the Big Rolling Crate, and then we hit the highway. We decided to take I-90 West as far as we can, hopefully as far as Washington State. 

Our only detours so far have been to see Niagara Falls (more on that later), a stretch of rural roads to visit the shores of Lake Erie in Ohio, and to drive the Badlands Scenic Bypass in South Dakota.

Diane and Todd are loving I-90. From New York all the way to South Dakota it was mostly flat, mostly straight, and not very congested, all of which makes for good conditions to drive a 20-year-old ambulance that prefers going slow.

Our first night we made it to Syracuse, NY around 11:00 at night and pulled into a Walmart Parking Lot. Diane researched Walmart parking lots and according to the Internet, the one in Syracuse allowed RVs to park overnight. When we got there, the parking lot was chock full of "No Overnight Parking" signs, but there were also several RVs, so we went ahead and slept there anyway, and it worked out fine.

Stay tuned for more posts about our adventure or check us out on Instagram by searching for #Todyssey, where Diane is posting lots of pictures!

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